How To Check For Mold Behind Walls?

How To Check For Mold Behind Walls

Sep 24, 2019 | Mold Removal

Maintaining clean and tidy walls is admirable, but have you ever considered what might be happening behind your walls, out of sight? Mold growth can occur unseen within the walls, undetectable from the exterior.

Water damage from plumbing issues is a primary cause of mold and mildew inside walls, necessitating proper attention. In this blog, we will explore methods to detect mold growth behind walls, discuss its harmful effects, and explain how professionals can assist. Read on to learn more.

What Causes Mold Growth Inside Walls?

Homeowners often overlook common causes of mold growth inside their walls. As mentioned earlier, a broken water pipe within a wall can create wet spots, providing an ideal environment for mold and mildew. Even if the leaked water dries out, the porous building materials can still serve as breeding grounds for fungi.

Other factors, such as window leaks, faulty air conditioning systems, and various water leakages, can also lead to mold growth within walls. These issues not only compromise the structural integrity of your home but also negatively impact your overall well-being.

Why Is Mold Growth Harmful?

Generally, black mold grows within walls in damp areas, triggering hay fever symptoms in healthy individuals and potentially leading to severe respiratory problems. According to a study, black mold has been linked to conditions such as sleep apnea, hives, rashes, and other common allergy symptoms.

Mold hidden behind walls is particularly hazardous because it often goes unnoticed, allowing it to spread unchecked and Increase issues over time. However, it is possible to check for mold growth behind walls and work on it. Let’s explore some effective methods.

4 Ways To Check For Mold Behind Walls

1. Odor And Visual Inspection

Mold emits a distinctive musty odor that lingers around its growth. If you detect any unusual smell, try to identify a deep, earthy odor just like a forest floor. Approach areas like wall openings or outlets to pinpoint the source of the odor. While mold under walls may not be immediately visible, you can check for visible signs such as wall discoloration, dark spots, or patches that could indicate mold growth.

2. Moisture Meters

Moisture Meter

Mold thrives in damp environments, making a moisture meter a useful tool for detecting elevated moisture levels behind walls. High moisture readings can indicate a potential mold problem, even if mold growth itself is not yet visible.

3. Infrared Camera

Infrared (IR) cameras can detect temperature variations that may indicate moisture accumulation behind walls. Areas with hidden moisture can appear cooler or warmer than surrounding dry areas, which can be a sign of mold growth.

4. Air Testing

Air Testing

As mentioned earlier, if you suspect mold but can’t see it, air sampling can help determine if mold spores are present in the air. You can capture air samples and send them to a laboratory for analysis to identify types and levels of mold spores present.

How Can Professionals Help Mold Repair?

Professionals utilize specialized equipment such as moisture meters and infrared cameras to assess mold behind walls, which are not typically available to homeowners. They conduct thorough inspections, including taking samples for laboratory analysis when necessary.

Experts offer precise identification of mold types, assess the sources of moisture, and develop effective remediation plans to remove mold from walls. Their experience ensures safe handling and removal, preventing mold recurrence and safeguarding indoor air quality.

Opt For Us For Professional Mold Repair Service

Identifying mold behind walls requires specialized equipment and techniques, making professional mold repair services the most effective solution.

At TNT Carpet Care, we specialize in mold repair, offering extensive experience in handling various types of mold to ensure the safety of your home and your well-being. Utilizing advanced cleaning and testing equipment, we not only clean and repair mold growth but also deodorize the affected space, leaving it refreshed like new.

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